Roof Panel Service
We are offering a cedar roof panel service, we manufacture these roof panels in our workshop. They are a quick and easy job to fit onto the rafters, (around 20 mins per roof panel. ) this would be instead of getting up on the roof and individually fitting each baton and cedar shingle. We have fitted quite a few of these ourselves on our installation and they work great!
We are charging a labour cost of £44 + VAT per square meter.
eg. 3m sq gazebo had roughly 8 square meters of roof surface so the cost would be £506 + VAT
Mortise & Tenon Braces
These are a popular aesthetic option to give that natural look instead of bolts. Whilst this only adds a minuscule amount of extra oak wood, the cost covers the additional labour required to create these more intricate joints, which are then fitted in place with wooden pegs instead of bolts. Please take a look at the labelled images here which show the difference between this option and our standard joints and braces.
£316 + VAT
Staddle Stones
We offer various types of staddle stones as an additional extra for your gazebo or pergola to sit on, one being a straight cut and one being a tapered cut. Staddle stones offer no extra structural integrity to our buildings and we cut our posts so that the walk under-hight is the same as without. Staddle stones are completely an aesthetic feature and their addition is completely based on your preference. Please see the gallery to see what these will look like on a finished building.
Tapered Staddle Stone £93 + VAT
Straight Staddle Stone £93 + VAT
Wall Panels
Oak £239/M
Larch £202/M
Oak Ladder Garden Shelf
£93 + VAT